Monday, February 06, 2006

Have NOT Lost the Will to Rock

Will give you the rock you love/want/need!

So when I first heard these guys I was completely in awe. So much of what's out there today just sounds like the same old gravy in a new train. But MSI at least sounded different.... Which took me quite a while to get used to....

I'm not gonna get all analytical and geek out about stuff, but let me just say it's refreshing to hear a "punk" band that gets what "punk" was about in the first place. I hate hate hate almost all of the current "punk" bands out there today and here's why:

The Cosmology of Rock

There are always these two forces competing in the music business: money and soul. Soul gives birth to something new and cool. And there is rock. And it is good. Then after a while, the money people always find just the right formula for success and start grinding out bland flavorless artless tune-sausage for the masses. Back in the days when The Cure was a punk band the punks were rebelling from the whole gray dried up and lifeless souless world that was disco. But after a while "punk" became the "new sound of youth culture..." and out came the tune-sausage. So the Cure would go out to clubs, where they would be worshiped as youth culture punk heros and they would put a bunch of Disco tunes on the Juke box and get their asses kicked. So they wip't out the synths and started cutting disco tracks that actually rocked like "lets go to bed" and "fascination street."

Now that's punk rock!

And most of the "punk bands" that are being cranked out today got the authentic sound, but they're pure tune-sausage.

MSI, on the other hand are cutting techno dance tracks (the bane of the last wave of punks) that frickin' rock!

The other thing that most "punk" bands completely miss today is IRONY. And though it is ironic to talk about irony with such a complete lack of irony, MSI knows exactly how to simultaneously attack all the A-holes out there and freak-out parents at the same time--this delicate balancing act has always been a strong point of true "punk" movements.

"But don't take my word for it," go rock out for yourself, Groove to the tunes and crack up to great lyrics like: "I can't wait for you to shut me up," and well, I don't want to quote some of their other great lyrics because they're the kind of stuff that freaks out parents but, if you're not easily offended check out:

MSI Homepage-- and take a close look at the art!

Tunes at myspace

"what do they know," and "uncle" are clean enough for work!

Also, does anyone have a link to the live video of "molly?"

Read About MSI

A great interview.

another good interview


1 comment:

Confusion Say said...

I like the red vest chick's hair.

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