Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dear Readers, happy valentines day, all of you...

are my telephone!

I know that I linked to them yesterday, but that one was just too funny!

The cool photo was from Ohio U's vintage advertising gallery which has lots of really funny stuff

For example,

For my spamentine Leonie:

canned meat is always funny! And, is that little girl supposed to be licking that giant piece of processed meat product?

And, TMK and Leonie get special V-day link love over there to the right!

PS-- Happy b-day Mr. K!


I added a sound file of me in the OperaModa Tartuffe.


Confusion Say said...

I don't know about Treet, but Spam is huge in Hawaii. Umm...maybe the little girl likes big meat?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wishes dedicated on your blog...and thanks for the link!!

Got Kim's message this evening...unfortunately we have out of town guests arriving from Iowa to stay the weekend on Friday and will not be attending a February birthday gathering...can we possibly change it to next weekend or something? Pretty please...if not that is cool (the world doesn't revolve around us, we do know that) just thought I'd ask...

Email me...


Michael Hoag said...

Hey, there are enough birthdays this month to celebrate every weekend as far as I'm concerned!

LĂ©onie said...

Oh thank you!

I am truly honoured! Canned meat is funny and always gets a laugh. It's always canned laughter, though.

I am.. sorry.

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