Monday, January 30, 2006

Your Chance to Catch Lucky mo in the act!

Here's a shot of yours truly singing Orgon in Tartuffe with Operamoda. I've been invited to reprise said role with said company at the Chicago Cultural Center on Feb 19th at 3:00 and again at 4:00. We just started rehearsing and everyone sounds incredible. It is a real pleasure to sing with OM, as they are IMHO THE up-and-coming chicago company-- and already making big waves as a company that's keeping opera a "living art."

This time the show will be set in the American south (think texas) and I'll be trying my best to convey a subtle George Bush quality in Orgon (as much as singing will permit.)

Details will probably be added to the Operamoda web page here

And here's another shot from the OM Tartuffe. This one is with Kevin Keys and William Bennet who are both great young singers.

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