Monday, December 04, 2006

Lame "I haven't been posting" post

Here it is the lame "I haven't been posting" post-- so lame that it even repeats the title in order to fill up space with words to make it look like I actually wrote something here.

Alas, I'm sure that I won't actually write anything worth reading here.

But then again, I haven't done that in a long time.

Oddly, I have TONS of stuff to write about these days.

BUT, I'm using different outlets for that expression. I'm trying to get an easy english reader published. And I'm writing a novel. And singing some, though I've been sick for about a month and that puts a damper on the whole singing thing. I'm really bringing a lot of creativity to my teaching right now, and that's satisfying too.

When I started this blog I declared it an experiment. I wanted to learn about blogging. What do I want to write about? I wanted to eventually have a well focussed blog about... well, something. But what do I want to write about?

So, here's what I've learned:

Happy is boring. I'm pretty dern happy. Yawn.
Sordid sex blogs that deal with the cruelties of the modern dating scene are REALLY interesting.
My love life is happy and stable. Yawn.

I enjoy writing about singing and music in general. However, the things I'm interested in are too controversial to have a large audience and too academic for a blog. BUT I might find some ways to make some of these things interesting....

I enjoy discussion. However, a personal blog is not a good place to have discussion. It's not neutral territory....

I enjoy writing about ESL. Again, small audience, and I'm writing a textbook, so I have another outlet for that.

I have a whole big ball of related ideas about evolution, creativity and the meaning of life, but a blog is not a very good outlet for that.

SO in the near future, I'm going to be rethinking this whole blogging business. And probably it will cease to exist. BUT, in it's place I will probably start some new things.

Such is life.

1 comment:

Confusion Say said...

I said I wanted those $300 shoes in patent yellow.....Betch!

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