Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh, my dear little bloggy blog...

I so rarely feed you these days....



And so much to write too! But just so busy!

So first off, here's news in my world:

Just finished another run of Reagan's Children stuff. I think it went really well and I got a really bad picture of me in Time Out, which is cool. Tonight I'm singing in Milwaukee in another new work Karl Jenkins' Armed Man. I'm very excited about that! And on top of that, I start teaching again this week and I'm really excited about that!! And I just got a new beer (Fat Tire) and a biodynamic port ("Bouteille Call" the coolest name for a wine ever!) to try, and I'm excited about that!!!

So basically that's got me thinking...

Life is good. It's good on all fronts.

And now, this is the tiniest thing, but it's still there:


It's just this thininess of always wanting more, wanting this dream of something that can't exist...
or can it....
and if I make those perfect circumstances exist, will I want...

just a little


In other news, today's listening:

Audra Mcdonald's Seven Deadly Sins. Very interesting pieces composed for the singer. If you want some tunes, look here. When you click on the link, it will be on the 1st hour installment. I could do without the bits of Audra explaining the pieces, but she IS charming. I'm still not convinced that she belongs on the Met stage.... The word is that she will be featured in a leading role at what used to be the benchmark opera house of the world. It is an interesting attempt to bring opera to a wider audience but I'm afraid a misguided one but I'll try to keep an open mind-- We'll see....

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