Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Congratulations to my dear friends on their kick-ass wedding this weekend. Not much more to say than have fun in the Aloha State.

I on the other hand will be spending this week in the Rather Frazzled State.

Looking to do some major cleaning and reorganizing of the blog... I've decided to keep the blog front page but also make a page of cleaned up essays and entertainments and informations and so on.... Just an effort to make my thoughts a little more organized and accessible.

The problem is figuring out how to do it....

1 comment:

Confusion Say said...

Thanks! Yeah I have to keep reminding myself that we are going on vacation. Cleaning the old blog huh? Well I do enjoy reading the daily political news on ye old blog but I do perfer the poetry and other more intimate bits....just my personal preference though...

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