Friday, February 03, 2006

Last night I dreamt of Operatic Satanic Muppets!

Check out this article:

Apparently this teacher showed a video of a Muppets Faust with Joan Sutherland and now parent's are trying to get her fired for it. The video has a muppet which depicts Satan.... and so the parents are trying to say the teacher is a Satanist. OF course if they were'nt utter ignoramouses they would know that Faust is a story of redemption through Christ and it's probably exactly their sort of thing....

I'm lazy so I'll republish part of what I wrote in a comment on no substance.

Just because Conservatives seem organized doesn't mean they're smart. Take for example those folks in Colorado who freaked out over a muppets doing Opera. A teacher there showed a muppets video of Faust and now a group of conservative wacko parents are trying to get her fired for it. Now these people are clearly incredibly moronic. Infact, I normally don't even believe in the idea of G, but these people personify a certain lack of the stuff: "almost too dumb to be alive." I mean sheesh, Faust is a redemption story, they should love this stuff... but there's a devil and a crossdresser and it's art, so it might make their children think and then where would they be....

And the evidence that conservatives are idiots doesn't end there-- just listen to anything any of them ever say publicly... they can't really believe that crap can they?

And the idea that there are intelligent movement leaders out there cooly pulling all the strings is a figment of progressive paranoia. Certainly it means something when the likes of Grover Norquist publicly declares that the true aim of his conservative policy is to concentrate power in the hands of some rich white folks (fascism) before the white folks become a minority "in their own country," but our current social prediciment goes way beyond the social engineering of a few Pat Robertson types.

And yet they ARE effective. This probably has more to do with institutionalized american greed and fearmongering and the cognitive dissonance that go with it than the intelligence of american conservatives. We've created a system where all the checks and balances are invested in the status quo-- this resulting "stability (a strong conservative movement) " was a theoretical strenghth of the facist economic model the US has intentionally adapted when it voted Ronald Reagan into power. Essentially we've just written ourselves into a box and there's nothing we can do about it. Perhaps if Americans were more culturally and historically literate, but then that's why the congress just quietly passed massive education funding cuts 'to balance the budget...."

And that's pretty typical of the polital ranting I do on other people's webpages so it doesn't show up here!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike~

Great blog...check out my myspace....

Catch ya later!

Confusion Say said...

Your in Tartuffe again?! If so, I must drag Paul to go see it. It still to this day was one of my favorite performances.
I have taken I look at the ol' website. I do have feedback, some on Navagation and some on Design. I will email it later because it is rather lengthy.
-Peace out-

Confusion Say said...

P.S. Check out

Michael Hoag said...

Hey Confusion,

It seems that my "Downloads" page has exploded...

It looks ok when viewed with firefox, but otherwise, Boom!

Confusion Say said...

Yeah a bit...Did you get my email?

Michael Hoag said...

Well I have a temporary fix up for that....

Michael Hoag said...

Cool, I don't mind airing my dirty laundry here, as I am not a design professional, and I think it makes interesting blogging for the peeps. I'll definately take your suggestions for the navigation, some of which I was already in the process of doing....

1. Should I "break up" the text on the bio page with pictures? I actually took out a lot of pictures to simplify things....

Or should I just get rid of some of the text? My bio is already about half as long as the bios used in most singer/actor web pages: wordy, wordier

By the way, aesthetically, I hate both of those pages. I also hate that when I look at their code, they are all imported JPEGs and Templates (can't anyone just write in standard browser language these days?) which means that when I look at them in my "weirdo" browsers they look all goofy.

When I started my page, I had a "Michael Hoag" logo jpeg that appeared at the top of every page and push buttons (complete with fancy roll-overs, and a background jpeg like on Bree's page) as oposed to hypertext navigation, but I decided that all of that was superflous (and would look different in different browsers.) which was why I chose to do almost everything with straight html....

I also decided that the end result was very light, intuitive and simple....

Am I wrong?

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